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Family Ministry Volunteer Application and Commitment Form
Thanks for your interest in volunteering! We can't be effective in our ministry without the help of our church family.
Please read this "Family Ministry Agreement" and fill out each space before clicking the submit button at the end.
Thank you for your interest in serving as a volunteer in one of our family ministry environments:
MBC Child Care, MBC Kids, Student Ministry or Adult Small Groups.
We appreciate your willingness to take the time to complete the application process and meet with one of our staff leaders. There are a few things we want to make sure we say up-front as you begin this process. By choosing to enter into a leadership role in one of our family ministry environments, you are entering into a position of authority. Our children, teenagers, and fellow adults will watch you closely and take what you say seriously. We think that is a good thing. Leaders should be role models. The challenge is that being a role model is all-encompassing. As a role model, your lifestyle is part of the equation. What you present on Sunday should be consistent with who you are in your various roles the remainder of the week. In the past, that was all that needed to be said. There was consensus around what constituted consistency between Sunday morning/Wednesday Night behavior and life in general. As culture has changed, however, there is a need to be more specific. The three issues that surface the most have to do with sexual relationships, substance abuse, and social media. The last thing we want to do is put you in a position where you feel pressure to teach, represent, or appear to give assent to a view on one of these subjects that you do not personally embrace. So on these three subjects, here is what we expect volunteers to communicate and model:
Regarding Sexual Behavior
We teach that sex was created by God as an expression of intimacy between a man and woman within the context of marriage. Volunteers who embrace lifestyles or behaviors that conflict with this teaching will eventually find themselves having to pretend to be something they are not or believe something they don't. In an effort to protect you from a potentially awkward situation, we ask the following:
- If you are involved in a sexual relationship and are not married, we ask that you not volunteer in family ministry at this time.
- If you are pursuing a same sex relationship, or believe that this lifestyle is appropriate, we ask that you not volunteer in family ministry at this time.
- In the spirit of being a good role model, if you are single and living with a member of the opposite sex, we ask that you not volunteer at this time. We do not want to put you in the awkward position of having to explain your arrangement if members of your group visit your home.
- If you are married and are currently involved in a sexual relationship outside of your marriage, we ask that you not volunteer at this time.
Regarding Substance Abuse
If you have a history of alcohol or drug abuse, this might be something God uses in a positive way to steer a future generation in a different direction. If you feel that this is part of your message, and perhaps part of your motivation for wanting to get involved with family ministry, we would love to talk with you further. While we might disagree on the timing of your involvement, we don't want to miss an opportunity to partner with what God is up to in your life.
- If you have been arrested for or convicted of an alcohol- or drug-related offense in the past twelve months, we ask that you not volunteer at this time.
- If you are currently being treated for alcohol or drug abuse, we ask that you not volunteer at this time.
- If you have used marijuana or any other illegal substance during the past twelve months, we ask that you not volunteer at this time.
- If consuming alcohol to the point of being intoxicated, unable to drive, or to the point of it being illegal for you to drive yourself home is a regular part of your weekend or weeknight routine, we ask that you not volunteer at this time.
Regarding Social Behavior
The kids and students in our ministry will visit your Facebook/Instagram page. So will their parents. If you blog or maintain a Twitter account, some in your ministry will opt to keep up with you through those mediums as well. While social media can be a great connection tool, it also serves as a window into your life beyond Sundays and Wednesdays. In light of that, we ask that you leverage social media with your ministry in mind and refrain from posting anything questionable, negative, or hurtful. We realize this is a judgment call.
Please choose one of the two responses.
I have read this and I do not have any questions.
I have read this and I have questions. (A staff member will contact you soon.)
I have read and understood this agreement. I will strive faithfully to fulfill all the responsibilities of my position. I will submit to Meadowview’s constitution, bylaws, and beliefs and will teach both by word and deed. As a volunteer for Meadowview Baptist Church, I agree to abide by all local and state laws. I hereby authorize and acknowledge that a criminal background check is required for volunteer opportunities when those opportunities will be in proximity to youth and children. By signing this agreement, I share my intent to honor Christ through my life, and to teach within the guidelines and doctrinal statement of Meadowview Baptist Church.
Indicates required field
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Zip Code
Phone Number
I would like to serve in the following area:
MBC Kids Ministry
Student Ministry
Adult Small Group
Nursery / Child Care
Connect Team
Security Team
If volunteering for multiple areas please specify which areas below:
T-Shirt Size
Briefly describe when and how you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior:
Membership Status
Regular Attender
How long have you attended our church?
Please list all areas of previous experience in ministry or other church volunteer involvement:
List any recent (last three years) experiences that have contributed to your spiritual growth:
Is there anything that would keep you from being here every Sunday or Wednesday prepared, on time, and ready to serve?
Basic Background Information
Not every person who volunteers at Meadowview Baptist Church must have a complete background check, but all who wish to serve should be free of anything that would hinder their service or potentially cause harm to themselves or Meadowview Baptist Church. All information submitted will be held in strict confidence.
Have you ever been accused or convicted of criminal activity or entered a plea of guilty or no contest to a criminal offense of any kind excluding traffic-related offenses?
Have you ever been accused or convicted of sexual misconduct or entered a plea of guilty or no contest to abuse or sexual misconduct?
Are you aware of any traits or tendencies that you possess that could hinder or pose a threat to children or youth?
If you answered "Yes" to any of the three previous questions, please explain:
Do we have a background check on file?
I am committing to volunteer for one year. Our Family Ministry calendar is from August to August.
Basic Procedures and Expectations
Child Check-in & Volunteer Absentee Policy
All children, preschoolers, and infants must be checked in at our MBC Kids check-in station prior to being brought to class for Sunday morning or Wednesday night activities. There must be at least two adults in the classroom before any children can be dropped off by a parent. This means all volunteers are expected to be in place 15 minutes prior to event start times.
No one is ever to be alone with a child.
Two adults must be in a room with children and youth at all times. Volunteers who are 18 years and under must be at least 5 years older than the age group they are serving. We ask that for every class, one volunteer must be a church member for insurance purposes. If a volunteer is unable to attend, they will need to provide a replacement for their position. If a volunteer has repeat absences they will be asked to step down from their position and replaced by another volunteer.
Incident Report Policy
If a child is injured in a classroom, we ask that volunteers let their area staff leader know exactly what happened. We then take a full incident report and communicate the injury clearly to parents.
Health Policy
At Meadowview, we strive to provide a HEALTHY environment for all our children/students. Therefore, we ask parents to keep a child at home when any of the following symptoms have occurred within 24 hours prior to entering our facility: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, discharge in or around the eyes, green or yellow runny nose, sore throat, excessive coughing, questionable rash, etc. If a child is being treated with an antibiotic, the antibiotic must be in the child's system for at least 48 hours before coming to class. For our preschooler, children and youth’s protection, we ask our volunteers to follow these same guidelines.
Bathroom Procedure Policy
We ask that our volunteers never enter the bathroom alone with a child. If a child in your group needs a bathroom break, a volunteer must accompany them to the bathroom, so that no child is allowed to roam the church unattended. Always stand out in the hall and wait for them. If a preschooler needs to use the bathroom, we stand with our leg in the door and our body outside the bathroom. Our preschool bathrooms are located in the classroom so there are always multiple adults in the room. If a young child needs help with zippers and snaps, we help them in the open doorway of the bathroom.
Nursery Care Policy
All preschoolers shall have regular diaper checks each hour to ensure clean, dry children. Our older preschoolers who are potty trained shall be given opportunities throughout the hour to use the bathroom. We recommend that parents have a change of clothes handy for all preschool children. All diaper changing MUST be recorded with the time of diaper change. Also bottle feedings MUST be recorded for parents at pickup.
Please refer to our Preschool Handbook for further policies regarding specific nursery area guidelines.
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